Friday, June 03, 2005

How to hide null ASP.NET data fields

Say you have a bit of data called Symptoms that you want to display on your web page, and it contains a label (also called "Symptoms"). It might look something like this in your form:

Symptoms: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Symptoms") %>

Now say, if there is no data in the database, you don't want the field to appear at all. I did some research to find a nice way to do this, but I didn't like any of them (if someone has a nice server side way of doing this (without peppering the html with >1 "DataBinder.Eval...", I'd like to hear).

So, here's my solution. First, decorate your html with a div and a span like this:

<div class="hide" id="SymptomsDiv">
<span id="SymptomsSpan"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Symptoms") %></span>

Then add the following css classes:
<style type="text/css">
.hide{display: none;}
.show{display: block;}

And the following script code:

function sectionObjects(name){
o = new Object; = name;
o.div = document.getElementById(name+"Div");
o.span = document.getElementById(name+"Span");
return o;
window.onload = function(){
var sections = new Array;

// Show those sections that have data
for(var i = 0; i<sections.length; i++)
if (sections[i].span.innerHTML!="")
sections[i].div.className = "show";

All the sections (all one in this case) start out hidden. The onload function runs when the window loads. It finds any sections that are not null using .innerHTML -- this'll work on all modern browsers.

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